Club Minaki Trails

The Trails are maintained by the volunteers Club Minaki, a non profit group. All trail fees go back into trail maintenance and development. Please pay your trail fees if you are staying in a yurt. Trails are open year round for hiking, biking, and skiing. The Trails wind through the boreal forest and up onto the rocky ridges of the Boreal forest. The trails are not recommended for beginner mtn bikers or x-country skiers the terrain is better suited to intermediate or advanced users.
Trail Report fall 2023
Recently made some changes to the trails. Rerouted the Purple Martin to make sure the trail was not on private property. A portion of the trail is marked as closed, try to stay of the old trail and pack down the new one. Still working on updating all the junction maps but the map above is the latest. Still a bit of brushing is being done before the snow flies. El nino ahead could mean a low snow season ahead, time will tell.
Trail Report Dec 2021
We had some great snow in November so we should have a good ski season. A big storm in early November brought down many trees onto the trail, unfortunately. Right now we have the Purple Martin, Grey owl snow packed and trees cleared. We should have some ski tracks laid by mid December. It could be 2022 before the Blue fox and Jackpine trails are reopened due to all the trees down. The Red turtle is open for snowshoers or hikers. Please remember to not walk or snowshoe on the ski trails in the winter months. The Red turtle and Porcupine Ridge are the only walking/snowshoe trail. Enjoy the winter!
Trail Report Aug 2021
We have had a very dry year since our last update. The Trails are drier than they have ever been, some recent rain will make for a few wet areas, a lot more rain would be welcome. We have updated the Trail map due to some recent road development along Gun Lake road. The Slick rock trail has been discontinued, it was crossing private land and also crossed through an old gravel pit that has been reinstated. To avoid any traffic incidents we have put up a small detour along the Purple Martin Trail it is about 40 metres long so a very short detour. A new road is going in to some cottages further down the road so we have made the decision to remove the Black bear Trail also. A portion of the Grey Owl will likely need to be re routed due to the road building, watch for signs posted in September or October. The Map above is the go to map for now. We will spend the next couple of months trying to get all of the junction maps to be updated. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. A big Thank you to all hikers/ bikers and skiers that come out to use the space and support the Trails by paying their trail fees.
Trail Report July 2020
A very wet June has made for some wet areas along the Trails. We have been out clearing the closer loops. Best to stay off the Grey owl for a while.
It may be August before it is mowed and dries up. Best to stay on the Ridge trails, Porcupine, Slick rock, and Purple trails are all it great shape for hiking or biking.
The Jackpine trail is no longer a summer loop. With our small trail crew we cannot maintain the crossing. It is a good there and back hike or bike though,
there is a picnic table overlooking the wetlands of Gun lake to catch some views and your breath.
Trail Report April 2020
The snow is slowly melting and the trails are getting better for hiking by the day. We had a very short ski season with groomed trails from Jan 20 - March 31.
Trails are still open during covid 19. Please get out and enjoy what the boreal forest has to offer.
There is currently a Fire ban on so please do not have any open fires along the trails, pack a cold snack and bring plenty of water.
Be cautious and aware that natural and man made hazards exists. Stay safe and please pay trail fees.
Trail Report June 2019
The Trails have seen some recent upgrades new signage artwork was commisioned by Alerry Lavitt and the signs were painted and installed by Club volunteers.
We have had a few quads riding on the Trails this year(bad news) and have added new signs at all of the entrances to the trails, to help educate the motorized crowd.
The Jackpine Trail is no longer a summer loop, the Lost causeway is no longer passable. The Jackpine is a great there and back hike or bike. There is a picnic table overlooking the marsh for you to catch your breath or have a snack. On the side that is shared with the blue fox there is another picnic area that makes a good destination.
Trail fees $5/person /day
Yearly $35/person
Below is a summer trail video.... of course thanks go to Dave!